At Ability Housing, our goal is to support individuals with disabilities in finding suitable accommodation and ensuring a smooth transition process.
We are committed to providing expert guidance and personalized support to help participants achieve their housing goal.
At Ability Housing, we provide professional health and disability expertise, offering a range of services to support individuals with disabilities in obtaining and retaining appropriate accommodation. Our services include ongoing interagency meetings, transition management, assistive technology assessments, customization assessments, and comprehensive support throughout the pre, during, and post-move phases.
One of our key offerings is NDIS funded line item Assistance With Accommodation and Tenancy Obligations, which aims to build the capacity of participants to achieve their housing goals. This includes personalized assessments, individual case planning, 1:1 capacity building, liaising with service providers, and assisting with rental tenancy applications and obligations.
Our individual tenancy matching service involves working closely with participants to determine eligibility, review documentation, and guide them through the application process. We also provide expert guidance on SDA assessments, which assess the participant’s needs and recommend specialist disability accommodation options for optimal independence and safety.
With the updated Specialist Disability Accommodation Rules in effect, we ensure compliance and adherence to the criteria for including SDA funding in NDIS plans. Our team helps participants choose the appropriate Building Type and ensures accurate claims and enrollment to receive SDA payments. We offer various accommodation types, each with corresponding pricing based on the number of residents and bedrooms required.